Paradise in Disorder

Oktober 10, 2024

Paradise in Disorder is a pformance piece inspired by conversations, memories and real events related to being in an altered state of consciousness within mental health circumstances. Multiple personal stories, experiences and views are fragmented into an oneiric space of textures, language and flow.

Am Boden

November 15, 2021

George Brants Monolog erzählt vom Verschwimmen von Grenzen, fragt nach Verantwortlichkeit, nach den Konsequenzen der modernen Kriegsführung und danach, wer das Urteil über die Schuldigen spricht.

Ver-rückt – Versuche zu Chaos, Fliegen und Maschinen

Januar 5, 2020

Ich träume von dieser Maschine. Sie besteht aus drei Teilen: einer Badewanne, einer Lupe und einem Frosch. In Versuchsanordnungen wird der Zufall organisiert, verwandeln sich die Dinge, summt, klirrt, knackt die Bühne und wird zu einem ver-rückten Ort.

Armor #2

Juni 16, 2017

work in progress…
During the rehearsals for JUST MAKING FRIENDS I developed a collective stretch body that can swallow many other bodies or two bodies expanding to a textile wall.

Licht als Instrument der Modulation und Manipulation

Januar 15, 2017

In dieser gemeinsamen Arbeit modelliert eine Choreographie der An- und Abwesenheit von Licht eine aktive Körperlichkeit im Raum. Das Licht wird zum Instrument einer punktuellen Sichtbarkeit, die konstruiert und dekonstruiert, zeigt und verbirgt. Nähe und Distanz zum Wahrgenommenen gilt es als Betrachter stets aufs Neue auszuhandeln und das Gefühl von Fremdheit und Vertrautheit zu hinterfragen.

Armor #1

Juli 27, 2016

For the costume design for „The Effect“ I started to develop a set of 5 armed tops for the performers. The material and cut are also a metaphor for an accelerated and unconventional armament.


Mai 27, 2016

Modular & Circular Stage System
A circular design project to create a sustainable spatial structure for a multifunctional use – interior and exterior – such as performance, exhibition, conference and workshop inspired by temporary spaces that are based on a flexibility, mobility and lightness.

Denk’mal die Zukunft

Juli 23, 2015

In Denk’mal die Zukunft the artists relate to the architectural and social power relations as well as the future visions of the city of Berlin. A vertical moving sculpture in the space interacts as a second performer and creates different situations for the other performer who is attempting to appropriate and perpetrate his own city.

Wohnen mit Zukunft

September 30, 2014

WOHNEN MIT ZUKUNFT is the first part in a trilogy dedicated to the relationship between architecture and performance. In the style of a silent movie, a physical and spatial language will become a collective form of housing and questions will be raised about other forms of cohabitation. Should we get used to the current living conditions? When does habitation end? What will habits without inhabitance become?

Monument to the future

September 18, 2014

Installative Intervention, Berlin, 2014
Our research is based on performative and dialogic processes in which we interview the passersby referring to their imagination for a monument of the future. An ephemeral spatial construction interacts with existing monuments – ’now‘ is meeting ‚yesterday‘ and asking about ‚tomorrow‘.

u m z i e h e n | r e – m o v i n g

August 4, 2013

i.a. Festival Internacional de Teatro, São José do Rio Preto, Brasil, 2012
Starting from the assumption that humans everywhere need to find a place they can call home, the artists Nathalie Fari and Michaela Muchina are creating various placements in the performance u m z i e h e n. Fari is exploring and outlining everyday situations in a foldable object in utopian locations. Her restricted movement will emphasize the ever-changing possibilities and limits of these locations.

h a l t e s t e l l e

Juli 5, 2013

Stadt für eine Nacht, Potsdam, 2014
Forum for Life Art Flam 4, Amsterdam, 2013, Spreebogenpark, Berlin, 2012
The performance h a l t e s t e l l e places time- and site-related, interactive viewpoints on urban fields, where the spectator and performer share the same perspective. In a humorously way you get the invitation to withdraw from your thoughts for a moment and to put yourself and your environment
in a site-related context.


Januar 31, 2012

6th Edition of the Performance Art Festival VERBO, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010
Galeria Virgílio, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010
Brazilian Embassy, Berlin, 2009
Galerie Maud Piquion, Berlin, 2009
Snail-like (and also at a snail’s pace), a body twists itself a roof over its head – silver-grey foil that can be made almost cylindrical, into a type of snail shell. The human animal forces and squeezes its way inside and out of the shell…